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"snake oil" exact phrase
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Posts on Codidact, including questions, answers, articles, tag wikis, help pages, and user profiles, support the use of the following HTML tags:

  • a
  • p
  • span
  • b
  • i
  • em
  • s
  • strong
  • hr
  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • blockquote
  • img
  • strike
  • del, ins
  • code
  • pre
  • br
  • ul, ol, li
  • sup, sub
  • section
  • details, summary
  • table, thead, tbody, tr, th, td

These tags may have the following attributes:

  • id
  • class
  • href
  • title
  • src
  • height
  • width
  • alt
  • dir
  • lang
  • start
  • rowspan
  • colspan

Shorter text forms, such as comments, support the following HTML tags:

  • a
  • b
  • i
  • em
  • strong
  • strike
  • del
  • code

These tags may have the following attributes:

  • href
  • title

HTML tags that do not appear on this list will be stripped out and not displayed if they are included in posts or comments. The source code for supported tags in posts can be found in posts_helper.rb, and for comments in comments_helper.rb.

Much of the content of this page came from this answer by luap42.